Beautiful in five minutes

Image:© aleksey ipatov/Fotolia

If your facial skin is in good condition and you are not suffering from acne, freckles or scars, you do not need to undergo all the recommended steps of creating your makeup. You can skip the preparations and start at what for other women is step three – the actual makeup.

You will need: light colored eye shadows, coffee-colored eye shadows, concealer, lip liner, lip balm, blush powder or pearls, mascara, eyeliner and foundation with a brush or sponge applicator.

- Apply a thin layer of foundation. The color of the foundation should be as close as possible to the natural color of your complexion, while the texture of it depends on the type of your skin. Foundation should be applied with an applicator. If you don’t have one, then you can use your fingers, but the results are always better with a sponge.

- If you have dark circles beneath your eyes, cover them up with a tiny bit of the concealer, but keep it strictly to the affected areas.

- Apply the mascara striving to keep the lashes separated and preserve them from getting stuck together.

- Apply pale pink, nearly white eye shadows to the upper lid and bellow the eyebrow. This is done in order to visually enlarge the eyes and lift the eyebrows.

- Use coffee-colored shades on the upper lid or shades in another dark color of your choice. Keep in mind that dark colors look good only on the upper lid. Applied to the lower lid they will only make you appear tired.

- Add eyeliner to the upper lid. You can also add some to the lower lid starting at the middle and drawing it outwards.

- Trace your lips with a pencil lip liner and add lipstick or balm.

- Apply some pearl or powder blush in order to highlight your cheekbones.

This procedure will take only 5 minutes of your time. If you are in a tremendous hurry and you don’t have even 5 minutes to spare, then forget about the eye shadows and eye liner. Just use a little bit of mascara, but make sure your eyebrows are well cleaned and shaped. Do not forget to smile!


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