Image:© Valua Vitaly/Fotolia
Whenever there is a special occasion, each woman wants to be the prettiest one present and there is no celebration quite as glamorous as New Year’s Eve. The way the party goes is determined not only by how you look, but how you feel inside too. Do you look good enough to have a healthy dose of confidence? Clothes, hairstyle and makeup are immensely important, but if you are going to look your best your skin must be soft and healthy too. Here you will find a few easy, effective and cheap ideas that you can do at home. They will help you shine all the way.
It is important that you remember to clean your face before applying any kind of mask.

Image:© Gennadiy Poznyakov/Fotolia
The easiest procedure for dry and normal skin is to rub the face with an ice cube and let it air-dry. Do this procedure every 10 minutes up to 3 or 4 times in all. After that you can apply the mask. For these skin types we can recommend a mask made of one or two tablespoons of sour cream mixed with a few drops of fresh orange juice, apple juice or another fruit juice. You can also add vitamin A, which, as we all know, nourishes the skin beautifully. Apply the mixture to your face and leave on for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and you can begin applying makeup.
If your skin is oily, it is best cleansed with rose water lotion and lavender alcohol extract combined in equal proportions. After cleaning your whole face with this solution apply the following two-step mask: first, rub the face with a thin mixture of cornflower and water. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and remove it with your fingertips using light circular motions. Rinse the face with cool water. The second step is to add a few drops of lemon to the previous concoction. Mix and apply to your face again for the same amount of time. A final rinse and now you are ready for makeup.
If you feel the need to bleach your skin, here is a bleaching mask for all skin types: add a crushed aspirin pill to one or two tablespoons of sour cream, mix and apply to the face for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse.
Do not forget that the best way to look beautiful is to smile. Nothing will attract people to you like a good attitude.
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