Lemon Peeling

Image: © Valery Bareta / Fotolia

Maybe there are different opinions on the lemon peeling for the facial skin in the cosmetology, but if you comply with your own skin, you can extract the beneficial properties of this remedy.


It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Here are the skin problems the lemon peeling is made for:

  • For tired skin.
  • For dirty skin with clogged pores.
  • For oily skin with sebaceous gland failure.
  • For problematic skin.
  • For skin with first signs of aging.


But if your skin is very dry, sensitive and irritated, you should very carefully make peeling at home in general. To avoid side effects and unwanted reactions, consult a specialist. Or choose peeling recipes that contain softening and moisturizing ingredients.


Here are some homemade recipes for lemon peeling for the skin of your face:


  • With sugar

Sugar (2 teaspoons) is mixed with lemon juice until a color of champagne is obtained. This means that the sugar is dissolved. Massage your face for about five minutes and gently rub the scrub. Then rinse with lukewarm water.


  • With olive oil

Mix the bark of one lemon with olive oil (1 tablespoon). The peeling is ready and it can also be used for breast skin tightening.


  • With honey

Honey (2 tablespoons) is placed in a water bath to melt, then it is mixed with lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and wheat bran (1 tablespoon). This mixture is simply a great way to freshen your skin. It can be used also for the skin of the heels if you have coarse bran.


  • With coffee

Mix lemon juice (one teaspoon) and gel for washing the face. Add 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. It is unique. The skin just lights up.

Applying lemon peeling will make you feel beautiful and you will see how your skin looks younger and fresher.


Of course, always use fresh lemons and squeeze their juice yourself at home.


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