Six top tendencies in the makeup

The trends in the makeup satisfy both the ladies who like to make an impression with attractiveness, and those that rely on the natural look. There are no extremes like some from recent years which caused rather a mass horror than a “wow effect”. Grabbing the eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner ... Continue Reading →

Always young and beautiful with a homemade anti-wrinkle cream

Anti-wrinkle cream that effectively fights the aging process You can prepare this efficient homemade anti-wrinkle cream absolutely alone at home. This homemade remedy fights the aging process. The cream, which you will prepare on your own is very healing. It will help the skin to get a new look, ... Continue Reading →

5 rules for skin without pimples

Yes, if you follow these rules, you will have skin without pimples   Pimples on the skin - this is one of the greatest dermatological problems of the young people in puberty. But people between the ages of 20-30 can also suffer from acne on the face, back, chest and shoulders. In short, the ... Continue Reading →

Women spend two years in front of the mirror

Some time ago, scientists estimated that the average person sleeps 24 years throughout his life. For the outfit, each of us needs from six months to three years. But it is interesting to establish this proportion compared to women and men. The reason a large percentage of the relationships to fail at ... Continue Reading →

How to choose the right color for us according to our skin tone

To each of us has happened to wear a blouse or put on a lipstick with a certain color and shine like a star, while a slightly different shade of the same color can create a tired and withered appearance. This is so because the first matches perfectly the tone and undertone of the skin, while the second ... Continue Reading →

4 morning tips for a fresh start to the day

Do you know which habits will help you look fresher, more beautiful and certainly younger? Your skin needs a few little tricks that can help you become a true beauty queen. Follow these morning tips and you will notice the difference only after a few weeks.   Get moving   The morning is no ... Continue Reading →