Strengthen and beautify your skin in 4 ways with mineral water

Image: © Valua Vitaly / Fotolia

Did you know that mineral water is also used for cosmetic purposes? It perfectly cleanses and tones as it contains in itself a huge amount of useful chemical elements. In addition, they soften and soothe the skin, eliminate the feeling of tightness and dryness, which remain after the washing with tap water. Therefore the mineral water is used for therapeutic procedures and treating of allergic skin diseases.


In the mineral enriched water, however, are contained large amounts of gases. Therefore before you apply it, it is better to boil it for 30-40 minutes in an uncovered container. Thus, the carbon gases which can dry and irritate the skin are completely evaporated.


• If your skin is oily, combined or porous, wash it with mineral water with high salt content. It will shrink the pores and remove the oily shine.


• Lotion for oily and combined skin you can make of nettle, calendula or chamomile. And for normal to dry skin use birch leaves or mint. Steam the selected herbs with boiling mineral water for 20-30 minutes. Then strain and refrigerate the ready herbal lotion.


• Helpful moisturizing spray for the whole skin you can make by filling with mineral water a bottle with a nebuliser. Particularly suitable is its permanent use during the hot months when the skin loses its moisture.


• To nourish the skin and clean the pores make a mask as you dilute powder from green seaweeds with mineral water until obtaining a homogeneous paste. Apply the mixture on your neck and face, and when dry, wash it off again with mineral water.



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