The blush - 4 rules of usage

We will pay attention to the final stage at the base of every makeup. Namely - the blush. These little tips will help you not to fall into the unpleasant situation to look like a Russian matryoshka doll but as a stylish and sophisticated lady, as we know you are such:   1. Select the color ... Continue Reading →

Facial cosmetics for pale skin

If you think your pale skin does not look good with makeup you are definitely wrong. The women who have very fair skin with spots and freckles create complexes and believe that there is no makeup that would make them beautiful. Let me tell you something, pale skin is one of the best bases for all kinds ... Continue Reading →

Makeup as a gift (part two)

  Fifth place: Blush – the effect of innocence Rosy cheeks are an excellent way to attract attention. They give you a healthy look and a fresh appearance. Just like foundations, there are different kinds of blushes with different ingredients and textures: creamy, liquid, gel, powder or compact. ... Continue Reading →

How to be the queen of the party

The intelligently selected makeup is the thing that can make you the queen of the party. For long party nights with lots of action, such as New Year’s Eve you have to consider several things that will make your makeup perfect: Continue Reading →

Barbie style makeup

Transforming yourself into a doll is not that difficult. For starters, you have to find foundation with the appropriate undertone and a concealer. But what is most important here is the blush. This is the one cosmetic product that will give you the look of a real doll. If possible, select a blush in ... Continue Reading →

Refreshing a tired face

When a person is tired and exhausted this is sure to show on his face. Makeup is a great ally in covering up the fatigue as long as you know how to use it. It is not the quantity of makeup that will help you cover up the signs of a sleepless night, but the wise combination of colors. Continue Reading →