Make your eyes larger and more expressive

Having mesmerizing, expressive eyes is every woman’s dream and one of the reasons behind the existence of decorative cosmetics. When trying to visually reshape your eyes, makeup is your best ally as long as you keep in mind that black and dark colors make the eye look smaller. If you wish to optically ... Continue Reading →

Eyebrow care for men

Taking care of your eyebrows is not a female thing. Men should also care for their eyebrows. The difference is that men don’t need to pluck each individual hair with the patience, daily dedication and precision that women do. Eyebrow maintenance for men is a once in a while event, but that does not ... Continue Reading →

The eye makeup brushes which are good to have

Forget about the shabby little applicators that came with your eye-shadow kit. Makeup brushes create a much better coverage and a more natural effect. Check out this list of the basic makeup brushes every woman should have in her boudoir. Continue Reading →

Kinds of mascara

Today making your eyes look just the way you want them to is easy, thanks to the development of the cosmetic industry, which is ready with a product for every demand and whim. Women have a lot of requirements, especially when it comes to the mascara. Here is a quick guide to the kinds of mascara available ... Continue Reading →