young pretty girl applying mascara © Yuri Arcurs #11526873

Kinds of mascara

Today making your eyes look just the way you want them to is easy, thanks to the development of the cosmetic industry, which is ready with a product for every demand and whim. Women have a lot of requirements, especially when it comes to the mascara. Here is a quick guide to the kinds of mascara available ... Continue Reading →

Eye makeup suitable for the shape and size of your eyes

If you want your eye make-up to impress and awe, you simply have to take into consideration the shape and size of your eyes, as well as whether the fold of your eyelid is visible or not. Standard rules for applying eye makeup: - In order to create the illusion of almond-shaped eyes with a visible ... Continue Reading →

Woman face with bright blue makeup

Tricks in applying makeup

Do you want to create makeup as perfect as if it is done by a professional makeup artist? Well, there are several tricks which can help you with that, like sharpening your pencil eye and lip liners with a pencil sharpener before each use in order to prevent crumbling or breaking at the wrong moment. ... Continue Reading →

How to look perfect in pictures

The most important element in photo sessions is the lighting. The kind of lighting depends on the height and width of the venue. You can correct the effects of the light with the right makeup. - Clean your face 10 or 15 minutes before you apply foundation and wait for it to dry completely before ... Continue Reading →

Tips for full lips

There is nothing that draws the male attention to the female face like the full, juicy lips. This is why your lips should be well-groomed at all times. And how do you do that? Read these tips to find out. Trace the lips with a pencil lip-liner in a tone that matches the lipstick you intend to use, correcting ... Continue Reading →

Beautiful c woman with fresh health skin of face and red flower

The seven biggest mistakes in applying foundation

Foundation is the most important part of the makeup, the base on which all else is built. If you mess up this part of your makeup the rest of it will not look good, no matter how expertly it is done. Here are the most common mistakes women make when applying foundation: 1. Choosing the wrong nuance All ... Continue Reading →
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