Which color of lipstick is best for you?

Lipstick well applied is worth 50% of your whole makeup and look. This is why the makeup for your lips should be selected with care and taste. These are the basic rules for beautiful lips and here is how you can make the most of yours: Continue Reading →

Makeup for dry skin

Having dry skin is no longer an excuse for looking negligent. Today your skin can look fresh and healthy even if it is of the dry type. This of course takes a lot of effort and tender care, but there are some tricks you can utilize to your advantage. The main steps to a fresh look - Exfoliating. ... Continue Reading →

Beautiful in five minutes

If your facial skin is in good condition and you are not suffering from acne, freckles or scars, you do not need to undergo all the recommended steps of creating your makeup. You can skip the preparations and start at what for other women is step three – the actual makeup. You will need: light colored ... Continue Reading →