Great tips for full lips

Full lips without surgery   Full lips could have any woman. You should not think that only the surgery is the solution. Not so! In order to get more thick and large lips without having to give crazy money for them, you should familiarize yourself with our wonderful advice. They are easily achievable ... Continue Reading →

Facial cosmetics for pale skin

If you think your pale skin does not look good with makeup you are definitely wrong. The women who have very fair skin with spots and freckles create complexes and believe that there is no makeup that would make them beautiful. Let me tell you something, pale skin is one of the best bases for all kinds ... Continue Reading →

Blond style

Blonds are always in style. What changes in fashion is not their hair color, but their look and makeup plays a big part in creating that look. The eyes If you want your eyes to seem bright and enlightened use all the light tones of pearly eye shadows – white, beige, pink, blue, green (not suitable ... Continue Reading →

Makeup as a gift (part one)

Buying yourself a new lipstick or mascara is a great therapy, but makeup is also a good idea when you are picking out a gift for a girlfriend. If you want to surprise the woman who is always so quick to give you a shoulder to cry on, here is a list of makeup suggestions according to their rating. Continue Reading →

Which color of lipstick is best for you?

Lipstick well applied is worth 50% of your whole makeup and look. This is why the makeup for your lips should be selected with care and taste. These are the basic rules for beautiful lips and here is how you can make the most of yours: Continue Reading →

How to be the queen of the party

The intelligently selected makeup is the thing that can make you the queen of the party. For long party nights with lots of action, such as New Year’s Eve you have to consider several things that will make your makeup perfect: Continue Reading →