When to wear smoky eyes makeup

The smoky eyes makeup has been particularly fashionable the last few years and it seems like this trend in the world of makeup will stay topical for a long time. Even if you are familiar with the technique maybe you are not sure when the appropriate time is to be with such a makeup. The smoky eyes makeup ... Continue Reading →

Six top tendencies in the makeup

The trends in the makeup satisfy both the ladies who like to make an impression with attractiveness, and those that rely on the natural look. There are no extremes like some from recent years which caused rather a mass horror than a “wow effect”. Grabbing the eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner ... Continue Reading →

Do your own makeup for the prom

How to get the perfect look for the prom inspired by the angels of Victoria’s Secret   The graduation excitements and preparations are already boiling in full force. Dress, shoes, bag, hair… and makeup. If you decide to prepare your own makeup for the prom, we come into assistance in ... Continue Reading →

Women lose 474 days of their lives in makeup

Dear ladies, have you ever wondered how much time we women devote to caring for our appearance. Nowadays the contemporary woman has to look perfect at all times no matter what she does and where she is. We have to look beautiful in every aspect – our clothes, the hairstyle, the manicure and of course ... Continue Reading →

Express and successful makeup

In the mornings when we have overslept For many people, getting up early in the morning is a real problem. With the luring “Just five more minutes” occurs frequently to oversleep and when again we look at the clock to realize that we are late for work.   How to look good even in those ... Continue Reading →

The blush - 4 rules of usage

We will pay attention to the final stage at the base of every makeup. Namely - the blush. These little tips will help you not to fall into the unpleasant situation to look like a Russian matryoshka doll but as a stylish and sophisticated lady, as we know you are such:   1. Select the color ... Continue Reading →