Other uses of the mascara

How to get the most out of it?   Often after a certain cosmetic product has finished, we are faced with the dilemma of whether to dispose of the packaging or we can use it for one more thing.   Surely the can of hairspray is not very functional, but when it comes to the mascara, do not rush ... Continue Reading →

Six top tendencies in the makeup

The trends in the makeup satisfy both the ladies who like to make an impression with attractiveness, and those that rely on the natural look. There are no extremes like some from recent years which caused rather a mass horror than a “wow effect”. Grabbing the eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner ... Continue Reading →

Facial cosmetics for pale skin

If you think your pale skin does not look good with makeup you are definitely wrong. The women who have very fair skin with spots and freckles create complexes and believe that there is no makeup that would make them beautiful. Let me tell you something, pale skin is one of the best bases for all kinds ... Continue Reading →

Blond style

Blonds are always in style. What changes in fashion is not their hair color, but their look and makeup plays a big part in creating that look. The eyes If you want your eyes to seem bright and enlightened use all the light tones of pearly eye shadows – white, beige, pink, blue, green (not suitable ... Continue Reading →

Facial cosmetics and their expiration date

Facial cosmetics are very delicate and can do more harm than good if you do not keep track of their expiration date. Yes, cosmetics have an expiration date, just as medical products do and you should remove them from your cosmetics bag as soon as this date is past. Continue Reading →

Makeup as a gift (part two)

  Fifth place: Blush – the effect of innocence Rosy cheeks are an excellent way to attract attention. They give you a healthy look and a fresh appearance. Just like foundations, there are different kinds of blushes with different ingredients and textures: creamy, liquid, gel, powder or compact. ... Continue Reading →