What you should know about eyelash transplants

Image: © pavel Chernobrivets/Fotolia

Do you know that your upper lashes contain anywhere from 90 to 160 hairs reaching 8-12 mm in length? The lower lashes have 75-80 hairs which are no longer than 8mm. Every month we lose and grow a certain number of lashes. This is a natural regenerative process over which we have no conscious control.

Unfortunately, there is no magic potion which can help lashes grow longer or thicker. Their length, density, color and growth speed are genetically determined. However, thanks to hair transplant (first performed by Dr. Dieffenbach in 1882) the contemporary fashion-oriented woman can have the lashes of her dreams.

The transplant

The transplant procedure can be compared only to the jeweler’s artistic work. One single wrong movement can ruin the whole result. At first glance everything looks quite simple – the lash grafts, consisting of 50 hairs per lid, are taken from the head and transplanted to the eyelid. The procedure which resembles a normal hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia and takes about two hours.

In order to be suitable for grafting, each hair must first undergo special individual preparation, after which it is implanted via a dissolving stitch. If the procedure is successful and the localized inflammation subsides in one or two weeks, you will have marvelous outstanding lashes.

Where do “future lashes” come from?

Actually the hair transplant technique involves moving hair follicles from the head (the nape of the neck to be precise) and planting them over the eyelids, and was first developed in order to correct birth defects of the eyelid and damages done to the lid by burns or traumatic accidents. Only later did fashion industry make this procedure available to everyone willing to take advantage of it.

Is it safe?

Even though they have a lot of experience with thousands of operations performed world-wide, doctors still cannot give a definitive classification of the side effects and contraindications of the procedure. The duration of the effect is unclear too. Cosmetologists give an abstract explanation that the success and effectiveness of the transplant depends largely on the individual reactions of each patient. Regardless of the uncertainties, many women are willing to embrace this procedure.

Side effects of the eyelash transplant

Aside from the obvious effects of the procedure, there is only one known side effect. The transplanted lashes preserve the genetic characteristics of the hair and continue to grow with the speed of the head hair. After the transplant they can even start curling. So, no matter how strange it sounds, beauties will have to trim and sometimes even straighten their new lashes. This is why plastic surgeons discourage women with naturally curly hair from undergoing this procedure.


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